Effects Of The Agents Of Socialization: Family And School

Who amI? Why am I so awkward? It’s a different story. Socialization is how I define myself. What influenced my life in a way that led me to be where I’m at today? While I believed I was my product (with corny jokes, and awesome music taste), I have been shaped over the years by socialization agents such as my family, my peers, and the media. What does socialization mean to me? In the Sociology text, it is stated that “Socialization takes place throughout a person’s life”. In my thirties I find myself thinking about how my experiences in the past and my future goals are similar to this philosophy. Farley & Flota (2017) stated that although socialization is heightened during childhood, adolescence and adulthood we continue this process. As an example, I’m a student, a wife and mother.

To function properly in society, it is necessary to adapt to each new role and new behavior. This is the process of socialization. Family is my belief that socialization begins with family. As a child, my parents influenced me in many ways. My political views, my music taste, and even the way I parent my daughter. My belief that a child’s success is enhanced if a parent and mother are involved in their lives is true. We can start by teaching our children important values and beliefs. In the absence of home education, children will be socialized as students. Families and schools play an equal role in socialization today. Many children lack the structure to learn at home.

Schools play a vital role in this. Children learn skills and knowledge at school that will help them function in the society. I think that your school plays an important role in the development of you. According to the Making of the Southern Belle it is explained that despite the fact that women are in the majority in the South colleges, the message they receive differs from the North colleges. Even though I enjoy discussing ideas with which I am in agreement, I could find it boring. I assume it may be more interesting to keep reading about ideas that conflict with mine. Two perspectives are available on the social scale. Both perspectives view socialization agents differently. Conflict perspective views socialization as a way to keep the wealthy rich and pass that wealth on to their children. This is portrayed as unfair and wrong. It’s as if the dominant group is preventing their children from achieving success in their own culture by passing on their success. You may be born with a sense of entitlement, but everyone should possess a moral code to live virtuously within their own culture.

According to the conflict perspective, schools are responsible for perpetuating inequalities. Here we can see the conflict theorist’s argument. The film portrays southern schools as only allowing daughters from white families to go to college. In this way, the southern inequalities are reinforced. Even though I agree that the conflict is a factor, I do believe today’s injustices are not being addressed. It’s more about power now. You made some people angry that they were not cheerleaders or jocks. It wouldn’t have mattered to them if from an early age they were taught a positive self-image. It’s because they’ll find their place and the best way to use their talents. I have broadened my worldview by learning more about socialization and the agents. It is good to challenge your beliefs when they are strong. Farley & Flota (2017) wanted their reader to realize that a functionalist perspective sees socialization as a means of meeting the needs of the society. I can understand this.

While reading on the conflict theory, which argues that socialization teaches children to accept their roles and not question them, I found myself needing to go back to my functionalist theorist to understand why I was so in agreement with him. It did not challenge my belief about the school and the role it plays in socialization. This means that I need to read more. The agents of socialization are important to me and to the rest of the world. Rather than bemoaning the fact that the wealthy are rich, let’s focus on what our children learn at home to help develop them into competent, caring and hardworking citizens in society. According to this book, socialization helps children learn to appreciate their society. Positive agents encourage virtuous beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. These factors have a major impact on society. I cannot change past influences, but am now aware of them to help make my decisions.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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