Friendship And Bonding In Remember The Titans

The film Remember the Titans has many themes. However, the main theme I see is friendship. Without all the members working together and as a family, the team wouldn’t have won its championships. This allowed the Titans to become one family and helped bring the community together. It is clear you see hatred and tensions in the film’s beginning. Coach Boone called Lewis Lastik, a black coach, to share his knowledge about Petey. This was the moment that brought the team together. Louie and Petey talked for hours, and it was obvious that their friendship was growing. When Louie was finished, Boone inquired if there were any other people who could talk about a colleague of a different racial group. Coach Boone later took them to Gettysburg and said that if they didn’t come together, then we too would be destroyed. This encouraged everyone to reflect on themselves. The locker room was filled with laughter and everyone had fun. As the team won better games, the players got closer. At their championship game, Alan did not hesitate to give up his spot in the peloton. The film ends with a long shot that shows the Titans marching together to beat the snaredrum, all in matching suits. This is a great example of their unity, and how they are one family. Friendship and bonding had many effects on Julius and Gerry and even the entire community. Because Julius was like Gerry, the friendship between them helped create a team. The team also became closer to Gerry as Julian grew closer. Gerry shouted out “Left Side” while pushing Julius. That was the moment when they first expressed their mutual love. There was tension for a while, but Julius gave up and shoved Julius. Later, Julian was chanting and Gerry was shouting at each other about how powerful they are together. The team’s bonding helped them win matches. At first, all the black and white players were ignoring each other, but they learned that they can all work together to achieve something more than they could ever imagine. It brought together the community and allowed them to win games together. The filmmaker seems to be trying to teach us the lesson that we have power to end racism. He does this by showing us how attitudes are changing. Remember the Titans is a movie about friendship and how it helps us to get along with others to make our team great. The director explained that it is impossible to achieve success in a team if people aren’t working together because of what they see. It is important to get over your differences and to work as a unit if you want win.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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