Millennial Or Y Generation & Technology

Dr. Marlene Arindt, a Johannesburg psychologist, says that there is only one difference between the Y generation and other generations. This is because the young man was raised with more technology. These children see their friends’ success on Facebook every day, and she often speaks to them. Unfortunately, most people only post their best moments. They are often accompanied by glossy photos. Nobody hears about the pain and failures. It’s similar to gamblers who boast about winning R10 000, but no one hears about their losses of R30 000. Every generation wants their children to have a better future.

It’s an instinctive desire. Children are often conditioned to believe that their parents will plant a rose grove for them. They are promised a safe place to rest, good education and a vehicle. But they aren’t ready for the hard work involved in maintaining this “rose grove” or lifestyle. Children stay longer at home. Because of the high cost of accommodation, many children choose to study at home. Children can remain at home for as long as they wish after they finish their studies. This is because they don’t have to make the monthly payments necessary to rent the same accommodation they used to. Children also expect a better standard of living from their parents. The parents and their children are able to have a pleasant relationship. (Especially if they are able to fix your computer. Humour and the millennials. There has been little research on the humour of adolescents. However, it is possible to determine how developed the adolescent humour in previous years.

It is important to explain humour development, particularly because adolescent laughter can cause class discipline problems. This study should highlight the possibility that students and learners may experience negative emotions while learning (language) lessons. Adolescents have a greater sense of humor, and may express it in a different way than their parents. It is important for educators to keep track of the developmental signs that influenced humour.

Education students must be aware of how the adolescent experiences life and expresses humour. Dr. Arndt: “You are very unique” Children now expect much more in life and can sometimes be disappointed when they see it. We praise and laud them constantly and tell them how unique they are. They expect it. It is good for their self-esteem. “Dr. Arndt stated that Dr.

Unfortunately, these children don’t know how to work hard and parents must accept that the process will take time for their children to become independent. Parents can’t expect their children to become independent and mature overnight by following their lead for many years. Parents must recognize that their role will be a support role for their children throughout their lives. Wealthy parents are able to make their children happy. You just need to make sure they see the reality of life. When children are working, the problem is that they must now look at reality. Stability was the foundation of their previous generations’ working lives.

Children today want to experience excitement. Average is acceptableChildren have been taught that participation is enough. Parents and teachers emphasized that they don’t expect children to be shining, but that they are still very special. They won prizes, even though they didn’t win. You must be driven to succeed in any sport. That’s what’s missing.

To thrive, each person must put forth more effort. Reality and social media. Huffington Post’s September 2015 article looked at the phenomenon and blamed young people for their disobedience to social media’s distorted reality.

Children mistakenly believe that other children have amazing lives. However, children are lonely. Children can be lonely

Mathew grounds, a Fourways counsellor says that children are lonely despite the focus on communication. Children communicate only in brief, spicy SMS and tweets. Facebook information can also be used for’secure communication’. Children feel lonely because they don’t have real contact.

According to media reports, stars are constantly measuring their lives. They feel they are failing. They want freedom and question authority but the older generation is still in leadership positions. The possibilities are endless, but the reality and failures of life are not. This is what social media allows children to see. The expectations of Y-generation often seem unrealistic. That’s why they get discouraged easily.


Cal Newport, a writer/assistant professor of Washington D.C. who was part of Y generation, wrote that the phrase “follow YOUR passion” was popularized only after his generation was introduced to vocational guidance in high school. It is their childhood mantra and their criterion for deciding what career they want. This mantra has a flaw. Children believe that if you have a passion, you will immediately find a job that allows them to live. People are not likely to become obsessed with their work until they have become very skilled at it. Expertise is not something that can be acquired overnight. It is not easy to start a great career. Young people often give up on their passions.

Patricia Greenfield was a psychologist at University of California Los Angeles. In her study, one million English books were scanned with Google N-GramViewers. The results showed that words like “choose”, ‘get”, and “feel” are more frequently used these days, while words such “obedient”, give authority,” “pray “and” belong are less commonly used. This shows that children today are being raised in other orders.

For parents of millennials, this is a great tip

Continue to support: Children cannot be expected to leave their parents suddenly and not come back. Unfortunately, parents will be unable to take on more of the education burden and they will need you to help them.

Be open to them: It’s a good idea for parents to expose children to their everyday life. They will then experience reality and can see the value of money.

Talk with your children often and discuss work and family. Remember that children should not expect to be successful based on others’ stories.

Contact: Although social media may have their advantages, it is essential that children understand the importance of eye-to-eye communication. Get involved in a club such as mountain biking, training groups, or courses in mosaic and wine appreciation. Here are some ideas for managing and maintaining younger staff.

Give them a reason for doing what they do. Although they may be ambitious and aware of their own limitations, millennials are driven to make the world better. They know the importance of life and the dangers it presents, and have a desire to work for more than money. As a manager, you have to help them find meaning in their work. You need to always see the big picture. What your company does for human well-being. And what they can do. Millennials care about more than just the legacy of their company. It’s about creating their own legacy.

Let them personalize their contributions. They can add things that they find important to their work contracts and reward packages. Allow them to work on projects they choose on Friday afternoons.

It is important that they have a variety of work. Many millennials are short-attention span, love new experiences and have a passion for progress.

Managers need to be able to help make their job more interesting.

Clear expectations are essential. Millennials prefer concrete goals over short-term ones. Because millennials are more attentive, it is important to break down team work into smaller parts. Be clear about the importance of the work. Millennials are not happy to hear anything from their boss.

Eliminate the six-month performance evaluation. The Facebook generation values immediate feedback. They won’t be satisfied with feedback from their immediate supervisors. Millennials want to get to the top. They prefer total transparency and don’t respect traditional hierarchies.

Let them go. Millennials are open to flexibility. Give them flexibility, but set strict deadlines.

They are passionate about technology. They are digital natives. They are the first to embrace digital technology.

Guide them. Traditional management relationships don’t work with millennials. Your role should be that of a coach. Managers should encourage their employees to get involved and show them how they can help achieve their goals.

Encourage millennials to be entrepreneurial. Encourage entrepreneurship and millennials will not be afraid to dream big.

They will find other jobs. It’s not realistic to assume that young workers can be kept in the job for 5-10 years. You may be required to work one day for them.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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