Overview Of The Main Causes Of Teenage Suicide

As the years go by, a lot of minors are dying in America. These days, it’s not from cancer or auto accidents. Teenagers now make conscious decisions about ending their lives. Between 15 and 25-years-old, suicide is the leading cause for death in teens. It is believed that over 500,000 teenagers attempt suicide every year. Teenagers who have attempted suicide often feel they are ignored, not taken seriously, criticized, or met by opposition from others. However, most teens must take it seriously. According to the CDC (centers for disease control & prevention), 16% of high school students had considered suicide seriously, 13% had made a plan and 8% said they were planning to kill themselves in the twelve months before the survey. Although there are many motives for teens trying to commit suicide, the essay focuses on some of them. With each passing year, the death rate increases. According to the UK’s 2017 suicide statistics, 5,821 people committed suicide in the country. That’s an average of 10.1 deaths for every 100,000. Why is this so common? Most adults are not able understand why teens kill themselves. Because it is so extreme, no one can understand why anyone would want to end their life. Adults consider their teenage years to be the most happy. They were free and they felt fulfilled. However, many teenagers today are suffering from greater pain than we realize. Teenagers can take their lives for many reasons. For example, they may feel trapped or in an impossible situation. They may also seek to escape from rejection, pain, or feeling unloved. They may also fear being judged or perceived as a burden. Depression is a mental disorder that causes a lack of energy, difficulty maintaining interest and a loss of motivation. Normal teenagers are not likely to experience depression. It’s not something that should be taken lightly. Yet, doctors continue to try to determine why depression has increased. Suicide rates are higher when there is depression. They are based on neurotransmitters, neurons and medical reasons. A lower level of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that causes depression, is more likely to develop it. Depression is linked to neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. Recent research has shown that depression is increasing in teenage populations and this directly correlates with teen suicide. Social isolation is another reason teens commit suicide. Teenagers are more likely to be glued to their smartphones than ever before. Teens become so fixated on their phones that they are unable to connect with their families and peers. This makes it difficult for them not to speak up about the difficulties they are having with coping emotionally and physically with these changes. Teen suicide can also be caused by environmental factors. Teens who are experiencing difficulties at home might seek out ways to escape the circumstances. The truth is that most teenagers don’t attempt or commit suicide to escape bad situations. A child’s suicide attempt or death is not always for one reason. It can often be due to multiple emotions, situations, and experiences. In 2006, 43% of cyberbullied children were surveyed by the National Crime Prevention Council. A teen can commit suicide by being bullied or cyberbullied. Bullycide is an even newer term. Bullycide refers to being bullied until one commits suicide. Teens are most likely to commit suicide through alcohol or drug use. Teens who abuse substances during their teen years can suffer from poor academic performance, relationship problems, and ill health. Numerous studies show that adolescents who abuse drugs are more likely than others to commit suicide. Substance abuse does not discriminate between gender. Adolescents who abuse the substance may be at greater risk of committing suicide if they are not careful. Depressed teens who use drugs are more likely than others to commit suicide or think about it. Let’s conclude that suicide is a common reason teenagers take their own lives.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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