Review On Sexuality: What Can Cause Homosexuality

Table of Contents

Sociological analysis on homosexuality

The society’s views on homosexuality

Homosexuality: Problems

Homosexuality: Causes

A person who is homosexual simply means that they are sexually attracted not to people of different sexes but to those who are homosexual. The news media, magazines and newspapers have all been reporting on homosexuality. Although homosexuality has been discussed in society, it was not widely accepted. According to some, homosexuality is a dangerous and moral behavior that can have negative consequences for individuals, families, communities, and entire societies.

This topic inspired my essay as homosexuality has been controversial in society. Additionally, the legalization of same-sex marital relationships is growing in many countries. Portugal, Finland and Ireland are just a few examples.

Sociological analysis on homosexuality

Many society members believe homosexuality to be a mental disorder. In 1975, Americans Psychological Associate declared homosexuality to be a non-mental disorder. The APA also stated that homosexuality was not a psychological illness and that homosexuality could lead to moral depravity. The Christian churches believed homophobia was a sinful and against the scriptures. Leviticus states that… 18:22 says, “You cannot lie with one male as one lies to another; it’s an abomination.” 20:13 “If a man lies to a woman as with a boy, they will both be executed.” They are their bloodguilty.” As we can see from the scriptures, homosexuality is not supported by the Bible.

The society’s views on homosexuality

Research has shown that homosexuality is an extremely delicate topic. It all depends on one’s culture and religion. This means that people may view homosexuality differently. Civil rights are available to gays, lesbians, and other individuals who share the same cultural values as them. The religions are opposed to the acts as they view them as sinful and contrary to the laws in the bible and other holy scriptures.

In general, homosexuality is a behavior or deviance that is against the social norms of society. The US society considers homosexuality wrong, and many Americans agree. A society cannot be held responsible for moral wrongs that are not relative to it.

Homosexuality does not necessarily mean that you are committing sexual immorality. Many cultures support and allow homosexuality. It’s not accepted in Western societies, however. This has often resulted in discrimination against homosexuals. They should realize that homosexuality can be a way to survive for some people, even if they are a minority. Therefore they should accept and accommodate them as they are.

Homosexuality: Problems

The moral, religious, legal and legal views that have been adopted in an attempt to curb sexual behavior have obscured the mental and medical aspects. This phenomenon is not as destructive to our culture and society as is widely believed.

The hormonal, undoubtedly psychological and social factors that contribute to homosexuality are all known. These latter two factors can only be dealt with in the current state of our knowledge. A general practitioner is responsible for helping people who are suffering from this condition to find the right psychiatric treatment. This should not be biased, just as for any other emotional disturbance [Refer 6].

Researches indicate that homosexuals are more likely to experience psychiatric issues than heterosexuals. High suicide, depression and substance abuse are some of the symptoms. [Reference 5] Homosexuality can also lead to isolation, discrimination, increased violence, and other problems.

AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases are also linked to homosexuality. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that between 1994 and 1997, homosexuals reported having had anal sex at a higher rate than in 1997. While condom use fell from 69.6 per cent to 60 percent, the proportion reporting that they have used condoms regularly decreased from 69.6 percent down to 60%. A five year CDC study of 3,492 male homosexuals between 15 and 22 years old found that one quarter had unprotected sex. Another CDC study that included 1,942 HIV-positive homosexual and bisexual men revealed that 19% had experienced unprotected anal sex.

The riskiest behavior in sexual relations was 1998 and 1997. This is a 50% increase over the two previous years.

Homosexuality: Causes


Although they are not likely to grow up gay or bisexual, children who have been sexually assaulted by another sex will. Long-term abuse of sexual nature can cause children to have sexual dysfunction, gender confusion, poor or unhealthy sexual relationships, or fear of having contact with the other sex.

Confused about Sexuality

Some people suffered sexual abuse as children and then internalized it. Others were sexually abused as children, which may have led to them engaging in sexual behaviors that are not positive. A few people may be “gay or leo” for no reason other than their sexual orientation. A few examples of lesbians are women who have participated in homosexual activities, but have not been able build a strong relationship with men.

Confused Gender Guidelines

Lesbians and gay people who don’t conform to the traditional gender roles are often born into heterosexual or homosexual relationships. Stereotypically, lesbians are those who like to clean, arrange flowers and dance in ballet. These works aren’t straight or gay. While a person may not be against traditional gender roles, it could indicate society’s rejection of homosexuality.

Gays or lesbians are welcome in countries where homosexuals are allowed to work. Heterosexuals and gays are equally accepted into roles and occupations that were once considered ”feminine,” or’masculine”.

Summary: The Christian churches and certain societies are against homosexuality. They believe that homosexuality violates the bible.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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