Self-efficacy For Public Speaking

Public speaking is a topic that many people are afraid of. There is a way to overcome these fears and realize the potential benefits. Public speaking is an excellent way to increase one’s self-esteem, improve oneself mentally, physically, and emotionally. To improve self-efficacy, you can approach the worrisome activity using a tacit convention, and a steady demeanor. This will allow one to see the positive aspects and dispel any negative aspects. I had previous experience in public speaking and other activities related to it. I approached it believing I would fail and that I would have to do it again. However, it was the right thing to do.

I’ve always thought that public speaking has had a lot of disastrous outcomes. I look back on my experience with it. This perspective on public speaking was dominant in situations when the activity might be viewed as a failure. However, to overcome the failure hindrance, it required constant exposure to the activity and consistent practice. The result was that my self-efficacy regarding prior experiences was increased by frequent exposure and consistent practice. I was a firm believer in behavior models and I followed the instructions given to me. I remember writing index cards in advance and reading them repeatedly until I could recall the words. When I needed help, I knew I could always ask for it. Despite my past experiences making it difficult to ask for support, the effectiveness of this method helped me improve my self-efficacy. People were able to give me feedback and ensure that my performance was good, which resulted in a less stressful experience. The group was in the same boat, so we expected the best from each other. This helped me to feel less stressed about my public speaking performances. I decided to change my speech and have fun with my audience. Later, I realized that it was more enjoyable to do what I was supposed to than worrying about the time it would take. Also, I felt less anxious after it ended. The untold effects of fear on my body were also evident, but I managed to overcome them with a firm belief that I could succeed in public speaking.

Although I was initially reluctant to speak openly before an audience, my anxiety about public speaking soon subsided. My familiarity from having experienced the highs as well as the lows helped me to develop a valuable life-long skillset. My self-efficacy enabled me to overcome hurdles previously unimaginable to me. This allowed me to succeed at the activity by a long process of seeking guidance and practicing healthy habits.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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