Self Study

In the world of science, getting published and gaining attention can be an arduous task. However, Dr. Mohamed El Naschie has found a unique path to success. By establishing a relationship with the editor-in-chief of the journal Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, he has managed to have hundreds of his studies published and has become a prominent figure in the scientific community. He has even been featured in the same company as famous scientists and world leaders in lavish photo-spreads.

Dr. El Naschie is the founding editor-in-chief of the journal Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. In the August 2005 issue, a 19-page pictorial showcases his impressive career. He is seen with numerous Nobel laureates, surrounded by medals, plaques, certificates, and floral arrangements.

Throughout the photos, Dr. El Naschie is shown with Nobel laureates such as Gerardus ‘t Hooft, Gerd Binnig, and Naguib Mahfouz. He is seen giving lectures dedicated to the memory of Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine and sitting at Prigogine’s desk in Solvay Institute, Brussels, Belgium. In other photos, he is shown enjoying downtime, relaxing in London, working in his private office in Cairo, and even standing on ski slopes in Germany and Italy.

However, El Naschie’s career as editor-in-chief abruptly ended when the journal’s publisher announced his retirement on their website. With this announcement, Elsevier also stated that they were not currently accepting any new submissions to Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.

On his personal website,, El Naschie’s career is showcased in great detail. He was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1943, educated in Germany, and earned his PhD from University College London. He is a fellow of the Institute of Physics in England and a distinguished fellow at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt. Additionally, he is an honorary professor at two universities in China and visiting professor at two universities in Egypt. El Naschie is currently the principal adviser of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Science and Technology and an adviser to the Egyptian Ministry for Science and Technology. He is also an editor-in-chief and associate editor for numerous learned journals, although these journals are unnamed.

His website also features photos of him with Nobel laureates such as Murray Gell-Mann, Anthony Leggett, Douglas Osheroff, Frank Wilczek and David Gross. Noteworthy, however, are two interviews conducted by Dr. El Naschie himself.

Despite his impressive accomplishments, Dr. El Naschie is now associated with a post-office box in Cobham, Surrey.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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