Shakespeare Studies

In this era where computer games, Pop Idol, and Hollywood action movies dominate the entertainment scene, one might think that the works of William Shakespeare are losing their popularity. However, this assumption is completely wrong, as evidenced by the increasing number of Shakespeare’s plays being performed last year worldwide. Even postgraduate programs are doing their part to keep his legacy alive.

While some universities offer Masters programs that study his work in depth, Birmingham and King’s College London standout as the two most noteworthy institutions. Birmingham’s program in particular lets students dissect Shakespeare’s work within the historical context of the society he lived in. Moreover, Birmingham’s program teaches research skills while covering a wide range of topics such as criticism, bibliography, palaeography, and early documents.

On the other hand, King’s College London offers a unique program that particularly focuses on the performances of Shakespeare’s plays. Their program allows students to work hand-in-hand with actors, directors, set-designers, and costumiers to comprehend the various ways the plays were presented both then and now.

For students who prefer a broader, more general area of study, the University of St. Andrews offers a four-part curriculum that ranges from literary research to English Renaissance to the reception of Shakespeare from 1660-1900, and Shakespeare in the 20th century. Most of these courses require a first degree in English, History, or Drama. Although it may not be the most career-specific course, students can still use this program to pursue a Ph.D. or an academic teaching position.

For those who might find Shakespearean studies too limited, many universities offer MAs in English Renaissance that cover a broader range of literature from the same era. This would certainly give you a better idea of whether Shakespeare had actually written any of his plays.

In conclusion, there is no reason to believe Shakespeare’s works are losing popularity. If anything, his plays continue to be performed globally, even earning dedicated postgraduate programs at Birmingham, King’s College London, and other universities. Therefore, it is a great opportunity for students to take part in the renaissance of William Shakespeare’s exceptional works.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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