Social Networking & Its Impact On Dating & Hookups

Essay Rhetorical on Social Networking

Nancy Jo Sales believes that the social media use in 2013 was unprecedented. Social media usage is high in the dating and love category. Tinder, Grindr and Blendr are the most popular dating and hookup websites for teenagers and young adults. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even Twitter are abused a little by the younger generation who say that a quick DM or comment can lead to a match.

Sales claims the easy accessibility to sex found online is hampering the development of gender roles in young people, and especially men. It is still too early to tell what effect online dating has on women, but the stories and appeals to emotions of the young women who have been affected by this trend are a strong argument for Sales’ argument. Through the use of a character as well as authoritative facts and stories about the past sexual experiences of the women, this piece conveys the excessive use in social media. Sales uses rhetorical appeals to convince the audience that the women who were interviewed about their experience with social media and online daters are credible.

Most of the opinions were negative, so they were all similar. Some had good experiences, but most were not. Many of the stories have a similar tone, but each has a unique twist. Some girls have received text messages from men who are only interested in sex. It’s easy to believe that the apps will make it easier for you to find “quick connections” and satisfy your gender desires.

The stories of all these girls are a testament to how shallow men can be today, given the ease with which they have access. Zoe explained that some guys go too far with the Facebook stalking. It’s a bit excessive to use social media solely for this purpose. I think these social networking sites are creating “man-whores.” They all sound credible but you can make them more dramatic. Sales can persuade them by being honest when it comes to personal information like hookups, sexual activities or other intimate matters.

A reader is also convinced by the author’s points of views throughout the piece. The sales start in the first-person with statistics about the astonishing increase in social media use in the last couple of years. She mentions that media use can have a major impact on gender roles in young adults, teenagers and young adults. In addition to being a woman herself, she can relate well with half the girls that were interviewed. This is because she could have experienced similar situations when she younger when it came to guys looking for hookups.

The article takes a third-person stance, in which many girls present a valid argument against dating applications and their awkward experiences when meeting guys. This is an impressive way to handle the situation, because it can be hard to get away from a situation of this nature without being verbally or physically abused. It was striking to me how much slang, and other unsettling language, was used in the story. This means that the story is aimed at younger adults and teenagers, as I can’t imagine adults or parents taking this seriously. My opinion is that this is almost unsuitable for adults to read. The stories, however, are viewed by girls and they are the ones who convince the reader of how harmful social media really is.

Vanity Fair readers may agree with Sales’ opinion of social media, but once we see what the girls have experienced, it looks like porn. It is just written down in an article instead of a video, picture, or video. In the article we can see how the girls react to social media’s effects on hookup cultures. The girls provided a lot of evidence to support their argument that social media can be dangerous for young adults.

The girls’ strong language and emotional expressions in this piece, which was a bit vulgar, caught my attention. “You don’t want to be distracted from class because someone is texting that they want to suck you dick,” said one boy in L.A. Melissa explained that social media can make you feel rejected if someone doesn’t reply to you.

It’s obvious that she is feeling a lot of pain because of the rejection she received from guys who were not interested in hooking up. It is sad but convincing to prove that social networking can lead to tension and issues when used inappropriately. This is even worse because social media can trigger depression and stress, which has a negative impact on one’s health.

Many girls and men are affected by the dangers that social media poses. They need to find a solution soon to ensure the future of young adults in our society. Social media’s direction is worrying for younger generations. If limits aren’t set, sexual exposure will be more prevalent in teenagers and have a greater impact on gender roles. “Sex can be found everywhere. All things are sexualized. Kim Goldman of the Santa Clarita Valley Youth Project said, “They all read Fifty Shades of Grey.”

The girls, boys, and their feelings, facts, and viewpoints about this subject make it clear why we have issues with social networking. Nancy Sales also offers a number of insightful comments on the subject and provides statistics to support her claims. She also discusses the impact social media has had and the future effects it will have on teenagers and young adults. It is no longer difficult to find a hookup. However, if you can’t express your desires in person and don’t use a device to swipe or push a button, then social skills could be affected.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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