The Art Of Staying Motivated

At times, even the thought of learning how to stay motivated can seem like too much effort. It can be challenging to find the strength to take action. A great approach to motivating yourself is by considering the consequences of not doing so – missing assignments, failing degrees, losing jobs, losing friends, leading an unhappy life, and dying alone.

However, it is crucial to avoid dwelling on failure. While it is essential to take note of your tutor’s criticism if you’ve received bad feedback on an essay, focusing on the positive aspects is more critical. Perhaps you have been praised for your imaginative use of research material, or for your enthusiastic approach to the subject. Enthusiasm is a great motivator, so try to get excited about what you are doing. The more passion you feel for your work, the more likely you are to persevere with it if you encounter setbacks, such as discovering you are not good at it.

If you are struggling to generate enough excitement for the subject of your degree, think of all the other reasons for proceeding. Consider how much knowledge you will acquire once you finish reading all the books on your reading list. Imagine yourself on graduation day, holding the cheque your grandma promised you if you completed the course.

Rewarding yourself can work wonders. Create clear goals and promise yourself a reward, like a sixth listen to last night’s romantic voicemail or another watch of the ice-skating dog on YouTube, after you have achieved them. Until then, avoid distractions. Turn off your email alerts until you finish. Do not text your friends to see if they have been talking about you on Facebook. If they text you, ignore them.

However, do not ignore your friends if they text you motivational messages. Friends can be an essential source of support when you are struggling to motivate yourself, so consider finding someone you work well with and make arrangements to study together. This approach only works when both people understand the difference between "studying" and "sleeping."

Your classmates can also be a great source of competition, motivating you to work harder. It is an excellent way to inspire yourself, considering that your neighbour, who may be slacker than you, might score higher by putting in more effort. Embrace your competitive spirit and stay ahead of the game.

Occasionally, take a break to relax. Otherwise, life may become dull. Think of ways to make studying more fun, such as studying in a different library or using coloured pens.

Create a list of all that you have achieved so far and remember the kind things people have said about you. If nobody has complimented you, compliment yourself. Ultimately, the best way to stay motivated is by discovering what motivates you best – praise, competition, or maybe doughnuts – and including it in your work schedule. If everything else fails, post-it notes with the phrase "Just Do It" around your room are still an option.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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