The Impact Of The Internet On Sexual Deviance

As the Internet has become more accessible, online crime and online deviance have developed. However, there has been mixed reactions to the rise of online sexual deviance. Sexual deviance means any activity that is sexually gratifying and which is deemed unusual or deviant. Online sexual deviance has seen a significant increase in its effects. People who engage in online sexual deviance may have distinctive identities and behaviors. Online sexual deviance has increased as the internet became more integrated into many people’s daily lives, including their work, entertainment, and communication. Online access to explicit videos and images online has become a huge advantage for many people. Even if parental restrictions are not always in place, minors can still access explicit material online. The internet’s greater accessibility means that more people are likely to come across atypical content like child pornography and BDSM. Communicating with others via social networks, games, or online communities can increase the risk of sexual deviance. Online dating has also become a popular risk factor thanks to the use of customized apps and websites. “Many researchers argue that the Internet caused an explosion in the production, distribution and consumption of child pornography.” Others believe that online communities allow pedophiles to share their fantasies with others without any harm. Many have benefited from the proliferation and expansion of sexual deviance online, despite what some might think. People with historically stigmatized sexual identities can rebuild their self-esteem and express their true selves in open and supportive environments. Relationships can also be more accepting of the interests of their partners. The internet is a “unique source of support for people with most devalued sexual identities” (Durkin and Forsyth 2006). It allows them to easily receive affirmation, reinforcement, and encouragement. Although there are concerns about increased sexual content, some of the main ones concern the safety of young children. Children online, especially young teens, may be exposed to strangers seeking to exploit them. Avoid giving out personal information or sharing explicit photos with strangers online. The majority (or even most) offenders of internet-sex crimes didn’t deceive their victims into thinking they were older adults with an interest in sexual relationships. They also did not use force and coercion to sexually assault their victims. Sexual deviance can fall under three categories: social, pathological, or normal. Normal deviance can be widespread and is often hidden. However, laws that prohibit the act are not usually enforced. These behaviors, including premarital sex and sodomy, are often regarded as anachronistic. Many of these acts can be seen in everyday relationships. Pathological sexual disorder is any behavior that is harshly enforced under the law. This includes rapes, bestialitys, incests and pedophilia. These behaviors are not common and can be considered harmful. Sociological sexual deviation is a behavior that requires social structures to thrive and continue to exist. Sociological sexual deviance is a behavior that requires social structures to support and teach others. This could be homosexuality, prostitution or swinging. The internet has enabled a wide range of sexual deviances to flourish and gain support. Online content is increasing in number, which not only encourages deviant sexual acts but also creates support communities that allow individuals to freely express their sexual desires without offending or hurting others. An increase in sexually transmitted infections and a greater variety of sexual content have led some to try out new sexual activities, including voyeurism-by-mutual consent, telephonic and chatroom sex. These new technologies can be used to substitute for actual contact, thereby ensuring safety and providing gratification.

However, it is possible to awaken latent desires by interacting online with people who have similar desires. Although pedophiles claim they have the right of an online space, some believe that online interaction “drives desire to new heights” and encourages a worldview which sexualizes children. Internet has made it possible for more sexual deviances that are considered normal to be less stigmatized to become common. Because of the internet’s influence, pathological deviances are less stigmatized and deemed harmful or illegal. Internet pornography is also a major culprit in the rise of sex crime. “The argument is that the internet lowers the pecuniary as well as non-pecuniary cost of (violent/or extreme) pornography. Many laboratory experiments have shown that this increases the likelihood of committing sex criminal acts.” The internet allows for more effective ways to encounter deviant behavior, but it also provides a platform for individuals to seek support and information for their interests. While children are the most vulnerable victims, sexual deviance is often perpetrated online by people with different identities and behavior. Cyberpornography and sex crime are the most studied forms of sexual deviance. Comparatively, research on other sexual deviance types has been much less extensive. Most sex criminals are male. Sex crimes against minors can often be committed by offenders much older that the victims. Victims are usually between 13 and 15 and have sex with them. Teenagers are often unable to consent and see their interactions with adults as a desirable relationship. While not all children are likely to suffer harm, it is important to consider the risk factors that may be associated with personality, such as sexual desire, low self-esteem and psychological difficulties, vulnerability to peer pressure, lack of parental support and peer norms, and social environment. Cyberpornography has more than 75 million users annually. Identity factors such as marriage, religion and gender have a significant impact on the demographics of cyberpornography users. Cyberporn usage was higher among males who were either less happily married, less religiously involved, more liberal or more involved with deviant lifestyles. There were no indicators that cyberporn use was indicated by income, drug use, or occupation. Because of their association with computer technology knowledge, education can have a significant indirect effect in cyberporn usage. People are able to share and locate cyberporn faster without the risks associated with viruses. Some characteristics, such as certain behaviors and identities, can be found in people who engage in sexual deviance. Even though there is much variation in sexual deviant behavior online, it is possible to build a better profile of participants through modelled studies and data collection. Internet pornography was the main suspect in rising sex crime rates since 1996’s passing the Communications Decency Act. A large amount of online extreme sexual content has led to many countries pondering how to control and monitor the internet. While there are legitimate concerns about online sexual deviance and corruption, it is unclear how much action has been taken to curtail the content. Online sexual deviance has become more mainstreamed than ever. More research is needed to understand the impact of online sexual deviance on society norms and behavior. The internet has allowed for rapid growth in online sexual deviance. However, there have been both positive and negative effects. Citations

Bhuller, Manudeep and Tarjei Havnes. 2013. Broadband Internet: A Superhighway to Sexual Crime? The Review of Economic Studies published an article in its 80th volume, 4th issue, examining the topic of 1237-1266.

Durkin, Keith and Craig J. Forsyth. James F. Quinn. 2006. “Pathological Internet Communities, A New Direction For Sexual Deviance Research. The 2006 Sociological Spectrum article “Power and Resistance in the Post-Colonial World” analyzes the ways in which power is utilized and resisted in post-colonial societies. The article posits that post-colonial states are characterized by complex structural and ideological dynamics that have a profound influence on the nature of power, and the ways in which it is leveraged and resisted. The authors argue that power is not a static phenomenon, but rather is constantly negotiated and renegotiated in the post-colonial context. The article concludes by highlighting the importance of recognizing the underlying dynamics of power and resistance in post-colonial societies in order to more effectively intervene and address the challenges they face.

Graham, Mark, William H. Dutton. 2014.

Society and the Internet: How networks of information and communication are changing our lives. Oxford University Press.

Quayle and Ethel Newman 2015. “The Role Of Sexual Images in Online And Offline Sexual Behavior with Minors.” A study published in the journal Current Psychiatry Reports explores the current state of psychiatry and provides an overview of its progress. The article looks at the advancements made in the field, with particular focus on research and treatment. It also highlights the challenges that remain in the field, such as a lack of resources and an increased demand for services. The article concludes with a discussion of the potential for further progress in the field.

Quinn and James F. Forsyth. 2013. “Red Light districts on Blue Screens”: A typology for understanding the evolution of deviant communities on the Internet. Deviant Behaviour (34:7, 2009) published a paper examining 579-585, which looked at the behavior of individuals.

Stack, Steven and Ira Wasserman. Roger Kern. 2004. “Adult social bonds and internet pornography: A study of adult social bonds” The Social Science Quarterly recently published a study that explored the relationship between 75 and 88.

Wolak and Janis. 2004. ‘Internet-Initiated Sexual Crimes Against Minors: Implications For Prevention Based On Findings From a National Study. Journal of Adolescent Health 35(5):424.e11-424.e20.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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