The Surf Science And Technology Student

As a student of surf science, people often have the misconception that my life revolves around hanging out on beaches with loads of surfers. Contrary to what they think, the course is highly academic and theory-based. Currently, we are studying a wide range of subjects such as physics and biomechanics, ecology and estuarine studies, maths, IT, geography and oceanography. Instead of just riding the waves, we are delving into the science behind wave formation.

Although I started the course in September, our practical activities have been limited. We only did one practical surf safety course in the first week. We have a project in the pipeline for later this year – where we will have the opportunity to create our very own surfboards. Additionally, the course doesn’t just focus on the science aspect, but we also delve into the business side of the surf industry. As part of our assignments, we will be required to organise and market a surfing competition.

Being a mature student, it has been somewhat challenging to adjust to student life. Prior to my studies, I worked in different jobs, such as a surf coach, sales assistant and beach lifeguard for over 11 years. The free time I now have on my hands during the winter months in Cornwall feels like a new phenomenon.

I actively participate in the college’s student ambassador programme. The position allows me to visit different colleges and talk to students about Cornwall College, which occupies my time. Sailing is my greatest passion, and I have been involved with boats all my life. I decided to study surf science because of my love for anything related to the sea. Upon completion of the course, I hope to join the police force, developing a career in coast protection or marine police unit. My practical experience and knowledge gained from the course will stand me in good stead.

Tim Peace is a current student pursuing a surf science and technology foundation degree (FdSc) at Cornwall College.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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