Why Is Black History Month Important: My Views

Why is Black History Month so important? The importance of Black History is more widely recognized and appreciated today than ever. Black History Month is a month that focuses on the achievements and struggles of African Americans throughout history. Van De Mieroop (2016) explains that while it may seem incorrect to state that black History is forgotten in the 21st century, this shows that black History still has a place in our lives.

Why is black historical significance important? It is crucial to realize that black history has a greater role in history than any other. Many people still remember the history of blacks. Black history has played an important role in the history period. Glenn (2015) says that Black History is important in democratizing the history to make it more inclusive. Black history is becoming a very popular topic in schools. However, Black History Month could be seen as the best way for students to learn about the lives of African Americans during historical periods. Van De Mieroop (2016) states that Black History Month (BHM), is a site that has been a key to the widespread dissemination of black history over many decades.

You could argue that BHM’s commemoration helps others remember black history, as well as the struggle for justice and freedom. The BHM can be used to teach others the history of black people. However, this argument is not the most effective. My personal opinion is that the BHM should allow the remembrance and learning of black history. Black History must be highlighted and remembered. Thomas (1986), states, “This improved opportunity for blacks coincided to increased recognition black achievement.”

BHM was created to celebrate the history of African Americans and their struggles. Some may argue that learning about Black History through BHM Day is the best way. While BHM Days are a great way to remember the history of black people, it’s also important to teach black history at schools. This allows for reflection and deeper understanding of black history. History is about understanding the purpose and meaning of events. This will allow us to better understand the past and its impact on current affairs. It is common for people to claim that they know the past. Therefore, BHM can help you understand Black history at a deeper level.

I believe that Black History Month is beneficial in helping others understand the history of black people. Landa (2012) defines ‘dimensional heroism, like perfect icons who stood up for injustice, danger, aggression’. This means that many schools sought to educate students about the period’s heroes and also to pay tribute to their courage. This highlights the importance of Black History Month as a way for students to gain an understanding about the history of black people. La Garett (2016) says that scholars believe black history is more then just celebrating the heroics and heroines. The argument went further, suggesting that many people saw this as a time of injustice and struggle. There is a question as to whether BHM learning is the best and if it is better for Black history to be taught throughout the year, or just on a particular day. BHM may not be the best way of teaching black history. However, this should be covered in every school curriculum. Thomas (1986) asserts that black scholars and laypersons across all continents joined forces to celebrate and promote black accomplishments.

This essay on Black History Month shows that black history can be understood in many different ways. BHM isn’t the only way to tell the story of black history. Let me conclude by saying that BHM is not the only way to teach black history. However, it could also be done in other ways. One way is to incorporate it into the school systems. This would be equally effective. This is a questionable statement.


  • jakobbranch

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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